Guruji’s Higher Self Home – The monthly membership for spiritual truth seekers who long for divine connections, bliss, health and happiness

It is Guru Bhaneshwaranands commitment to provide spiritual guidance and direction to as many people as possible. You will be astonished about the various, never heard before and deep truths & spiritual tools he teaches for the ascension on your own soul path and to trigger spiritual awakening and enlightenment in your soul.


The monthly membership offers you the chance to participate in the Online Teachings with various Yoga, Meditation and Enlightenment series every month and to benefit from the meditations and Shaktipat (transfer of divine energy). All topics and their reflection will propel your vibrations, trigger deep transcendence, implement a regular spiritual practice and help you to spend more time with your soul and your spiritual path. Furthermore, you will receive his recorded online class “a glimpse into spirituality” with valuable content about yoga, mudras, meditation and the purpose of your life for free as our warm spiritual welcome in our community.


The Online Teachings (about 1,5h) per month follow a certain structure. Each online meeting begins with a short introductory round, followed by a lecture by the enlightened teacher on the spiritual topic of the day and an energy raising group meditation. Guru Bhaneshwaranand will then proceed to answer answer all questions of the participants, which come up to the topic and the spiritual wisdom learned.


The deep spiritual knowledge he imparts and shares with us in these online teachings will propel you to raise your vibration to that of your inner being, allowing you to experience the bliss of your best and most spiritual life ever. With your willingness to let go of old patterns of thought and behavior you have gathered over this lifetime and your allowance to replace it with the universal truths, his teachings will help you set yourself free from the blockages, limitations and beliefs that have held you captive. You will finally know and understand what it is to create deliberately from a place of connection and alignment, not from fear based emotions.


Guru Bhaneshwaranands teachings will ignite the power of the divine source within you as you will now feel and know the oneness of your being. Experiencing Gurudev Bhaneshwaranand is a true gift, so be ready to be guided and delighted into a world of fulfillment, a profound sense of Inner Peace and True Connection to Source.


Here is an overview of upcoming topics:

We offer two membership levels:

The monthly membership includes:

– Participation in all bi-weekly Online Teachings
– Divine energy transfer to increase your kundalini energy 5 times a month
– Participation in our manifesting with the full moon rituals
– Free access to our membership section with over 50h of spiritual content for healing breath work, meditation, and spiritual awakening guidance

The golden membership includes:

– Participation in all bi-weekly Online Teachings
– Participation in all monthly workshop series
– Energy transfer on about 20 days a month
– Participation in all monthly retreats
– Free access to our membership section with numerous available online classes and courses for your spiritual progress
– Limitless availability for private consultations with Guruji